Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Double Trouble: 5K and 13.1

I was a bit nervous for the weekend since I hadn't done a running race in years (last was Turkey Trot 2010), and the previous marathons or half marathons were during college and I didn't get the chance to train for them. I had signed up for this weekend back in June with true intentions of wrecking it with major PRs (personal records). Unfortunately, due to burnout from two long seasons of back to back Ironman and triathlons and injury and illness from October to early January, I could not get the training in that I wanted. I prepared as best I could the final two weeks and was hoping to bank on my collective fitness from 2013.

The last 5K I raced competitively was 15 years ago, when I was still in my glory days as a runner. I think I had a PR of 20:??, which I haven't even gone near since then. I knew I wasn't going to PR in this race, but I wanted a PR for this decade of life. Granted, all my 5Ks lately have been during triathlons, but whatever. A PR is a PR, I'll take it! :)

Before the start of the race, I remembered why I didn't like running races. It's too crowded! I couldn't squeeze my way to the front of the starting line and only managed to get half way. I accepted my fate and decided to go with the flow. The first half mile was ridiculous! I stayed on the left edge so I could easily maneuver around people and jump to the side if need be. Who knew that I'd be parkour-ing, basket weaving, long jumping over potholes, hurdling over tree trunks, and starting/stopping at the drop of a dime to slip into warp streams. I clearly did not train properly for this!!

As you can see, I definitely was not running straight at the start. And no, I was not hung over! :P
I checked my watch to see the time damage, but turns out, my average pace at the time was 7:45! Whoa! Too fast! My goal was to run under 8 since that's what I held during sprint triathlons this summer and without the swimming and biking to precede this run, I should better be running faster than that! But I was feeling good and was like why not? Mile 1, 7:41. Kept trucking along. Less weaving, more heaving. Mile 2, 7:36. By now, I am really working and just want this threshold session to end (Avg HR: 196). I had already started counting down from 1.5 miles. After passing mile marker 2, I thought I could keep the current pace or negative split, so I was ecstatic about that. By mile 2.1, "Oh crap! Ahhhh!" I changed my mind and wanted to quit. It hurt. Badly. Man, how 0.1 miles can make a difference..
My sentiments exactly! Except it might have been WTFF..
Instead of checking my pace and/or watching the tenth of a mile tick down, I distracted myself with a new goal: anyone and everyone who was wearing green was about to get shot. Mentally shot that is. Every time I chased them down and passed them, "Boom. Gotcha. Next!" Fortunately or unfortunately for me (faster pace but more hurt), there were a lot of runners who were wearing green. At one point, I ran out of targets and was frantically searching for one. It was like playing I spy, and I spied the green soles of his shoes. Yeah, I was that desperate. Mile 3, 7:45.

Turned the corner and hallelujah! The finish line! I never thought I'd be so happy to end a 3 mile run, when usually that's when my real runs start. Final time: 23:45, 7:39min/mile pace. Not too shabby for this slow starting engine of mine. I immediately changed into recovery pants and sandals so I can be as fresh as possible for the adventure that awaited the next day.

Aramco Half Marathon
One of my favorite, most condensed race report via text to friends who asked was:
"Went too easy in the beginning because I wasn't sure if I could hold 8:30 or under. Turns out I'm capable of so so much more!"
I'm capable of so so much more! This line is by far the best of 2014. I always doubt myself and my abilities. Even if I dream big or believe, I'm still skeptical sometimes. Even in school, I wanted to change my exam answers 96% of the time because I second guessed myself despite studying 2347 hours and was capable of reciting the current chapter word for word.

I want to hold an 8:30 pace, but I don't think I can. I'm not good enough to, yet. 
This was my goal pace for the half ironman in October but I failed.
I've been sick and out of commission.
I've been hitting the splits during tempo runs, but that's only 3/10 miles.

Once seeds have been planted, it's hard to keep them from growing. With these thoughts, I planned to start off at a 9 minute pace and work my way down based on how I was feeling. Once I started running, the doubting slowly disappeared, mile by mile. New plan was to hold 8:30 until mile 10 and then reevaluate and bring it home.
Mile 4. I was clearly having too much fun. :) PC: Natalie P
As you can see, I was definitely feeling way too good and needed to push the pace more. At mile 6, I was right on track to hit 1:51:26 which is exactly an 8:30 pace. It wasn't until then that I realized that I wanted more. I wanted to crack 1:50. An 8:20 pace from start to finish is 1:49:15 (I had studied a pacing chart earlier in the morning and memorized parts of it :P), so collectively, I've been running 10 seconds per mile slower than what was needed. I had a lot of time to make up! I could've easily dropped a minute over the next two miles, but at what cost? I had no idea how I'd feel and if I bonk, I'll miss my goal.

How the day went. Steady! Most consistent long run/race of my life!
I paced like a champ. Never ever have I ever been that consistent. Look at that triple 8:17! Whoop! Baller! (If you can't tell, I'm really excited about my race execution). You can see how just believing in myself changed my performance. Mentally, emotionally, and physically, I was pumped! I started feeling it after mile 9 and had to really concentrate the last 5K. I even sprinted at a 4:42 pace to cross the finish line! Which clearly meant I could've paced faster. All in all, I am really proud of myself and finally (re-)learned a valuable lesson.

I am capable of so so much more.

A new seed has been planted, and its fruit will be reaped in the 2014 season and beyond. I absolutely cannot wait for what's in store! My training goals for the rest of the month have already been upgraded..

I'd say it was a good day at work. :)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


As I was filling out an application for a local triathlon team the other day, putting into words my goals for the year made me realize just how big my dreams are, and that scares me. A lot.

To be exact, a 4:45 for 70.3 and a 2:15-2:20 will put me in good contention for Worlds. EEK!! Impossible?

All the time that I need to drop. All the miles that need to be trained. All the sweat, tears, and blood that will be shed. All the pain that I will need to endure. Add even more pain, because that's how you become the best. All the sacrifices that will need to be made. They all scare the bejeezus out of me. 

It would be easier for me to back down and lower those goals, to give into the fear, but with this new year, I resolve to not back down. I will stare fear in the face until it fears me. I will give everything I have within my body, mind, and soul to achieve these goals, all while growing myself into the best human being I can be. Tough? Well, good. I like challenges. :)

They say:

"If your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough."

 I'm scared. Are you?

I dare you to make big resolutions this year and dream big.