I want to be a _____ _________.
Why is it blank? Well, first because I'm nervous and scared. And second, I feel like it might not need to be said since my actions and choices this year should hopefully reveal the end goal. All I need is one resolution this year because in order to achieve it, everything else that I want to improve on has to fall in place too. Sleep more/better, eat cleaner, train harder, train smarter, recover better, read more, learn more, fight more, be more.
The list looks exactly the same as the last few years, so why do I expect the results to be different? Despite some improvements in all departments, I know I can level up my game tenfold. Last year had a rough start with injuries and accidents, but I finished strong at four championships to end the season and in those two months, I learned so much more about what it takes to be the best, and the fire in me burned even brighter.
Despite nursing an injury and a cold at the moment, I'm already off to a better start than 2015. My bike and run fitness are surprisingly high for this time of year, and my swim is slowly making a comeback. Instead of looking at competitors' times and thinking I'll never be that good, I'm telling myself you can do this. You can compete with the best of them. I have until September to get ready.
Someone told me the other night after asking me what my goals were this year, "I believe you can do it. I can see it in your eyes. You're going to be a force to reckon with. I can feel the energy right now radiating off of you. You're going to have a killer year." I've only met this person twice.
Can you feel it too? Something electrifying. All it took was just one big scary resolution.
I have my support group. I'm healthy and fit. Let's go make 2016 my bitch.