Monday, March 4, 2013

I am mental

I learned today that I am mental. And I'm happy about that.

I had planned to bike hills today in Chappell Hill, TX regardless of the weather, my feelings, or soreness. After my morning swim, I noticed how extremely windy it was and rethought about biking outdoors. Then I saw how bad traffic would be if I were to head out soon to hill country. Again, thinking about not biking. I checked the weather so that I could confirm my decision.

My mind debates:
- I'm tired and it's windy. Too windy. I could get blown away, lose control in a gust, and get hit by a car. It's going to be dangerous. It'll take longer to bike and I'll hit traffic on the way home. Don't do hills!
- But it'll make you stronger.  Hills and wind? C'mon!
- No! I'm too tired to push hard today.
- Champions are those who train when no one else wants to train.
- Argg!
- You'll come back stronger. Let's go.

I grudgingly packed my biking gear and headed out the door. It's so hard to be upset when the weather is so nice out! A little on the warm side, but so sunny and bright. On the drive there (90 min) I wanted to turn around a couple times. The wind was so strong! I could barely keep the car straight and stay in one lane.

- See! More the reason to bike at home, or not bike.
- Shut up. We're biking.

So I finally arrived and started biking. 22mph+ headwinds and crosswinds to start off, along with a climb within the first mile.

- I hate you.
- Good. Keep biking.
- I'm already hurting.
- Awesome! Keep biking.

This training ride was definitely one of the worst winds I've trained in. The wind was relentless; many times I was climbing hills at an angle. The gusts and cross winds made me look like a drunk cyclist.

- I'm cutting this ride short.
- You wuss. We're finishing the entire ride.
- I'm going home.
- You can't leave without me!

Long story short, I finished the ride. 45 miles of hills -- 40 miles with head/cross wind and 5 miles with tailwind. If I weren't so tired, I would've given myself a huge pat on the back.

- You're awesome.
- I know.

Lesson of the day: You have to be mentally strong for this sport. There's always going to be a voice that wants you to quit, to give up, to not put yourself out there, but if there's a heart and mind that's strong enough, you can always overcome it. You will triumph!

People may call me mental, but that's okay. I'll take it as a compliment.

Chappell Hill Ride

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