Thursday, August 28, 2014

Year Two

This past week marked the two year anniversary of my new life with a new mind, heart, and soul. They say it's the terrible twos, but mine has been terrific. Year one was all about finding myself, and year two has been focused on growth, dreams, and building a solid foundation with healthy habits of the mind and heart. I'd say I've been doing a good job so far, don't you agree? :)

I've been more adamant about growth more than anything else this year. Learning to take risks and make dreams and goals that push me to my limits, so that I can be the best me. I've listened to my heart more than my head, and I'm starting to believe more and more that this is the best life for me. This path will lead to the best version of me, and that's my only true goal in life.

I've learned how to be more patient with myself, especially through all this zone 1 training. It's easy to want to go hard and fast all the time, but to force yourself to take a step back and take it easy is a lot harder, especially when there are big dreams to achieve. Zone 1 has taught me a new kind of peace and I find myself in a zen-like state during training. I love it. 

I've also grown physically. Well, maybe no physical growth externally since I'm trying to slim down to race weight :P, but there's definitely internal physical growth. I'm putting out more miles (8131.86 miles in 636.33 hours, burning 322,825 calories. Nearly 1.5x the amount of year one! Crazy, huh?) in less time, and speeds that felt hard last year are now my recovery pace. My smile is bigger, and my heart is bigger too! :)

Even though I'm no longer a rookie, I'm still always learning. Here are the top two things I've learned in year two:
1. When you've met your own needs, it's much easier to meet the needs of others. I hate being selfish, but I've been thinking more about myself this year before I take on helping others. I've declined more invitations to dinners, parties, group rides, sport teams, moving parties etc. in favor of getting sleep, sticking to coach's training plan, and alotting personal growth and me time. In return, because I'm healthier, mentally and emotionally, I can give better advice to my friends and be more attentive to their issues because I'm not as absorbed in my own problems. 
2. Life is more fun with a team. I trained alone a lot in year one and didn't partake in many team or group activities. The biggest change in year two is being more involved with the triathlon and cycling community, and I love it. Racing for Team Zoot and Bike Barn has allowed me to meet and train with amazing athletes and people. There's also a coach on board my team now, and under his tutelage, great things will come to fruition :) More friends and family are a part of the team too, and I couldn't be any happier being able to share my journey and experiences with them. 

I got to spend more time with this chick this year. Double trouble :)

Since good things come in threes, year three will be pretty epic, right? I can't wait!

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