Friday, January 9, 2015


A few weeks ago, I attended a concert that was entirely in another language. None of the songs performed were in English, but that didn't stop me from thoroughly enjoying myself because I could feel the music and the love and passion that were being expressed by the artists on the stage. Head bangings, shoulder shrugs, eye closings, leapings, feet stompings, grand gesturings. I witnessed passion pouring out from every pore of their bodies and that was enough to make me understand the message they were trying to send me. Music moves. Passion moves.

Idan Raichel and his band doing their amazing thing

That is what I want to do. I want to move people. I want to inspire others with my passion alone. We don't have to speak the same language. We don't have to live the same life. We don't have to play the same sport. We just have to connect.

You don't have to know my whole life story or understand all the hardships I've been through to realize the magnitude of what I'm trying to do (although it'll help!). The changes speak for themselves. The growth will be revealed. The love and passion will ooze from every pore of my being. Because when you are truly touched and moved, the enlightenment and joy cannot be contained.

I'm not a big fan of selfies, but this photo is too infection and joy-filled to not share

2015 will be the year where I will not be contained. I want to move, be moved, and move you. With every fiber of my being, I am going to believe. Last year I believed too but with doubts. This year I am succumbing to what moves me because I want to be a better person (and athlete!). I need to be a better me. I need to keep moving.

Life's all about discovering the unknown and relishing its adventures

No more doubting for 2015.
No more negative thoughts.
No more worrying.
No more regrets.
No more holding back.

Just give in, believe, and move.

Can you feel it?

Good. 2015 is going to be our year. Let's move!

ps, where I'll be moving to this year :)